Cross trade is defined as a buy and sell transaction of the same security between two or more funds'/ clients’ accounts managed by the Manager.
The Manager may conduct cross trades provided the following conditions imposed by the regulators are met:
sale and purchase decisions are in the best interests of both funds’ and/or clients’ accounts;
reason for such transactions is documented prior to execution of the trades;
transactions are executed through a dealer or a financial institution on an arm’s length and fair value basis; and
the cross trade transactions are disclosed to both clients and/or investors of the fund(s).
The cross trade will be executed in accordance to the Manager's policy which is in line with the regulatory requirements, monitored by the compliance officer and reported to the person(s) or members of the committee undertaking the oversight function of the Fund. A compliance officer must verify that any cross trade undertaken by the fund management company complies with the requirement provided in paragraph 11.30 of the Guidelines on Compliance Function for Fund Management Companies.
Cross trades between the personal account of an employee of the Manager and the fund's/client’s account or between the Manager's proprietary accounts and funds’/clients’ accounts are strictly prohibited.
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