General Risk Disclosure
The content of this website is intended for your general information only and must not be construed as an offer or a recommendation to invest in any unit trust fund, wholesale funds and private retirement scheme funds and neither does it take into account any investor's particular circumstances.
Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the Master Prospectus dated 3 January 2023; Master Prospectus dated 15 May 2023; Prospectus dated 3 October 2023; Prospectus dated 18 August 2022 and its First Supplemental Prospectus dated 30 December 2022; Disclosure Document dated 14 February 2022 and its First Supplemental Disclosure Document dated 30 August 2023 for Manulife PRS NESTEGG Series; Disclosure Document dated 14 February 2022 and its First Supplemental Disclosure Document dated 30 August 2023 for Manulife Shariah PRS NESTEGG Series; Information Memorandum dated 2 May 2023; Information Memorandum dated 9 August 2021 and its First Supplemental Information Memorandum dated 10 August 2023; Information Memorandum dated 11 February 2020 for Manulife Dragon Growth Fund; Information Memorandum dated 11 February 2020 and its First Supplemental Information Memorandum dated 13 September 2021 and its Second Supplemental Information Memorandum dated 31 January 2022 and its Third Supplemental Information Memorandum dated 21 August 2023 for Manulife Asian Small Cap Equity Fund; Information Memorandum dated 11 February 2020 and its First Supplemental Information Memorandum dated 31 January 2022 and its Second Supplemental Information Memorandum dated 10 August 2023 for Manulife SGD Income Fund; Information Memorandum dated 11 February 2020 and its First Supplemental Information Memorandum dated 10 August 2023 for Manulife Global Emerging Markets Multi-Asset Income Fund; Information Memorandum dated 11 February 2020 and its First Supplemental Information Memorandum dated 31 January 2022 and its Second Supplemental Information Memorandum dated 10 August 2023 for Manulife ASEAN Equity Fund; Information Memorandum dated 4 September 2019 and its First Supplemental Information Memorandum dated 18 October 2019; Master Information Memorandum dated 26 November 2019 for 2 Funds and Information Memorandum dated 3 February 2020 and its First Supplemental Information Memorandum dated 13 September 2021 and its Second Supplemental Information Memorandum dated 10 August 2023 and all the respective Product Highlights Sheet(s) (collectively, the “Offering Documents”), obtainable at our offices or website, before investing.
The Offering Documents have been registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC), however the registration with the SC does not amount to nor indicate that the SC has recommended or endorsed the product. There are risks involved with investing in unit trust funds; wholesale funds and/or Private Retirement Schemes. Some of these risks associated with investments in unit trust funds; wholesale funds and/or Private Retirement Schemes are interest rate fluctuation risk, foreign exchange or currency risk, country risk, political risk, credit risk, non-compliance risk, counterparty risk, target fund manager risk, liquidity risk and interest rate risk. For further details on the risk profile of all the funds, please refer to the Risk Factors section in the Offering Documents. The price of units and income distribution may go down as well as up. Investors should compare and consider the fees, charges and costs involved. Investors are advised to conduct own risk assessment and consult the professional advisers if in doubt on the action to be taken.
These Prospectuses are dated on dates as indicated in the respective prospectuses and evergreen without an expiry date. No units will be issued on the basis of these electronic Prospectuses after the closing date as stated herein, if any. Upon the close of application period, if applicable, the issuance, circulation or distribution of the Prospectuses herein is made available purely for informational and archiving purposes only. Any other information that falls outside of the designated area does not form part of the electronic Prospectuses and that the unit trusts funds, wholesale funds and private retirement scheme funds are offered solely on the basis of the information contained in the electronic Prospectuses.
There are fees and expenses involved in investing in the funds. We suggest that you consider these charges carefully prior to making an investment decision. The price of units and distribution, if any, may go down as well as up. Past performance and income distributions are not guaranteed and may not be reflective of future performance and income distributions. Manulife IM (Malaysia) and/or the Trustees do not guarantee repayment of capital.
Manulife Investment Management (M) Berhad Registration No: 200801033087 (834424-U) (hereinafter referred to as “Manulife IM (Malaysia)”) is responsible for the issuance, circulation or dissemination of the electronic Prospectuses and the application forms. The same is also available in printed format. The printed copy of the Prospectuses and the application form can be obtained from any of Manulife IM (Malaysia)'s offices, offices of collection agents, unit trust advisers or authorised distributors. Investments can only be made by completing the application form attached to the Prospectuses.
Notices in relation to unit trust funds, wholesale funds and private retirement scheme funds offerings accessible overseas
This communication is directed only at persons in Malaysia and is not to be regarded as an offer to buy or sell, or the solicitation of any offer to buy or sell securities in any other jurisdiction than Malaysia. Persons resident in territories other than Malaysia should consult their professional advisers as to whether they require any governmental or other consents or need to observe any formalities to enable them to invest in these Funds or to determine if these Funds may be lawfully sold in their jurisdiction.